Few subjects in dieting have been more controversial over the years than the role of fizzy drinks.
Sometimes the criticisms of these beverages have confused a number of different issues, including things such as their calorie content, added chemicals, artificial sweeteners, sugar content and so on. Clearly, some of these are related to several different aspects of health and wellbeing and not all are directly pertinent to the subject of obesity and weight loss. We will try to summarise our position here.
Firstly, there is an entire area of debate relating to chemical additives and artificial sweeteners in fizzy drinks and just how they may or may not affect human health in various ways.
We’re not qualified to comment on those individual aspects and if you are worried about the additives in the food or drink you consume, you should discuss your concerns with your doctor.
Secondly, there is the question of what such drinks may or may not do for you when you are dieting.
As a general rule, our diets don’t exclude, under all circumstances, any particular form of foodstuff or drink. What we do believe in though is a balanced and healthy diet that has been crafted for the requirements of your body. We also know that if you follow it, you will lose weight.
The consumption of any individual thing to excess will clearly not form part of any meal plan for weight loss. Fizzy drinks will certainly be included in that, as they may, if they are sweetened versions, contain a very high calorie and sugars count.
So, your consumption of fizzy drinks may need to be defined and controlled, as part of your balanced diet going forward, rather than totally banned under all conceivable circumstances.
Rather than making assumptions for the worst, in terms of your favourite foodstuffs, arising from a diet, why not contact us for an informal discussion? You may be very pleasantly surprised at what you hear!
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